Field Trips

USA: July 2023

We collected in Washington, Oregon states and California parks:

Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park

Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park 

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

Project: Diversity and Abundance of Staphylinidae in Coastal Redwood Forests

Co-funded by:

National Science Centre (NCN): OPUS-18 2019/35/B/NZ8/03431

Photos by: K. Koszela

Brazil: July 2022

We collected in Rio de Janeiro state:

RPPN Bacchus (Nova Friburgo)

Co-funded by:

National Science Centre (NCN): OPUS-18 2019/35/B/NZ8/03431

Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

Photos by: K. Koszela, D. Żyła & Fernando Antonelli

Ecuador: July 2022

We collected in Napo province:

Reserva Biológica Colonso Chalupas

Jatun Sacha, Estacion Biologica

Laguna Azul

Moretal, Misagualli

research fields of Ikiam Universidad Regional Amazónica

garden of Finca Los Guayacanes

Puerto Misahuallí

We visited: entomological collection in QCAZ Museum of Zoology

Co-funded by:

National Science Centre (NCN): OPUS-18 2019/35/B/NZ8/03431

Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

Photos by: K. Koszela

Georgia: May 2022

We collected in Kakheti region:

Babaneuri Nature Reserve

Batsara Nature Reserve

Lagodekhi Managed Nature Reserve

National Botanical Garden in Tbilisi

Funded by:

National Science Centre (NCN): OPUS-18 2019/35/B/NZ8/03431

Caucasus Barcode of Life (CaBOL)

Photos by: K. Koszela, D. Żyła & our Georgian collegue 

Armenia: May 2022

We collected in:

Ararat Province, Lusarat, Khor Virap monastery/ State Sanctuary

Ararat Province, Mets Gilanlar, Geghard monastery

Ararat Province, Bayburd, border of Khosrov Forest State Reserve

Gegharkunik Province, Sevan, Sevan Island

Kotajk Province, Tsaghkadzor

Yerevan, Yerevan Botanic Garden

Funded by:

National Science Centre (NCN): OPUS-18 2019/35/B/NZ8/03431

Caucasus Barcode of Life (CaBOL)

Photos by: K. Koszela, D. Żyła & C. Guzman 

Note that any field trip requires the appropriate permits for collecting, exporting and molecular research